Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska
Creators of The Online Marketing Acadamy!

Social Media Marketing Tips 

Part 1:


Ok so when you connect with Facebook, then it looks pretty simple and you can see easily where it’s going.
First, you find places where people gather who have similar interests as you. You say a few things to connect with
them. Then send them a friend request. If you send a couple of friend requests a day then that would eventually start to add up.
Then all you do is simply say hi to each of these people on FB messager. It’s pretty simple actually.

Basically, you find out a little about them and what they do.
Then you ask then if they’re open to making additional income. It’s a yes or no question.
If they say yes, then just share a little of your story with them
(you can copy /paste it once I help you write it). Your story would look something like this:
“I also work at ____and I’ve been trying to make additional income for a long time.

I’ve been in a bunch of things online and offline and not had a lot of success with them.
But recently I came across a mentor who changed everything for me.
I realized at this time that it was the skills I knew - not the business opportunity that mattered the most.
And I’m just curious if you’re open to me helping you to learn these same skills? 

Again a yes or no question. And if they say yes, just ask them what level of interest they’re at (low or high).
If they say high, then just ask them if they have 15 mins to watch a quick video about it.
At this point they have qualified twice - so they should respond positively. 

If they say yes, simply ask them if they don’t mind if you follow up with them in say half an hour
and answer any questions that they might have? If yes again then send them the link with the video.
Once you send them the video, write their names down in a journal or something that you designate “warm leads”.
Then follow up with them again in half an hour. They may or may not respond - depending. But don’t worry about this.
You only need six like this in a day to make a sale. And they may respond tomorrow and be on your list tomorrow
also (one of your six). This is just one way of doing it with Facebook.
There are additional tips and tricks which we can talk about later too. 

Now Frank talks about using paid advertising such as Udimi.
This is a but different as it takes no time at all lol ??.
You just find a good vendor, pay them, give them your link and then watch yourself get
about 20-60 subscribers in about a day. One or two of these usually turn into a paid member.

If you already have a big friend list on Facebook, then it’s even simpler because you just go down through
Facebook Messenger and say hi to everyone and see who responds.

There’s different strategies and things you can say depending on where they’re coming from etc…

Also if they ask you “what is it? Or don’t really answer the questions, then I just fill them in with basic info and see what they say.
If they don’t seem too interested, I just tell them it was nice to meet them and move on …

So this is one method. As you know I send ads to Safelists (as I showed you earlier) and I’ve got really good at
warning up my subscribers through my emails). I get responses from subscribers every day. Just today
I’ve already had four subscribers email me back and ask me to share more with them. Usually out of each six I get, I get a sale.
You can also connect with your subscribers just as Frank shows you in the video and warm up your Facebook subscribers too (who originally came from Facebook).
As you start to buiid a big list, you will see that your autoresponder email messages will kick in and do a lot of the work for you.
You will start getting subscribers (those who you originally talked to on FB) start emailing you back wanting to know a bit more).
They might even connect with you on FB instead of emailing you back.

So what I’m describing is just a “in your spare time” strategy as I know you have a lot going on haha ??

But any of these three methods (1. Udumi paid ads, 2. FB marketing or 3. Safelists ads) work.
Of course there are more than these three but these are the 3 we’ve talked about

Calling leads is another big one that some people like to do. I do this too a little each day. I have a program that gives me 3 leads a day
and I call them up while I’m making the bed ?? haha. But not everyone is cut out for calling leads

Anyway I hope this helps.-: far as your original question…how to make your money back…I think you will find that the bigger your “warm list”
gets (those who know and trust you a little) and either message you back or email you back, that there will be a percentage
of those that take th3 $1 trial of PLS and upgrade to the higher levels. It’s also easy to share a phone ?? number with your warm list and encourage
them to listen to a call that will inspire them that they can achieve their dream of working for themselves and traveling where they want.
Once they see that this is truly possible, they often will go in at higher levels. That’s how I’ve been earning so much lately! Lol ??

So you never know who will and who won’t. But the simple thing is to just go after connecting with your six each day.
If you do that and then take 15 mins to encourage these six to get on a call (when that time comes up) then you will
see remarkable things start happening!

Part II

From Rosina Bignall

Yes, you can do lots of other things, but you "NEED to be driving 'free' traffic from Facebook".


Let's look at what's involved

  • You need to get 30-50 friends a day - and not too fast or too many at once either or Facebook will think you're a bot and ban you, you need to spread it out in 2-3 sessions per day
  • You need to post frequently, preferably 3-5 times per day
  • You need to like and comment on other people's posts at least 10-20 posts a day and preferably a lot more
  • You need to actively participate in a number of groups giving valuable comments and posts
  • You need to reply to every single comment that someone makes on your posts and many of the replies to your comments on other people's posts
  • You can't put links in your posts or comments or your reach will be limited so you have to hope that people comment on your posts that they are interested in what you have then you have to engage with them in a direct message spanning several back and forth dm's then give them your link

Does that about cover it?  I think that's most of it.


Now this is mostly Facebook terms, but the same applies to practically all of the social media platforms, they just call them different things.


So, positives...

  • People get to really know, like and trust you before they ever get on your list
  • For those who are very social - you can have great fun doing it
  • The people who do get on your list are probably going to stick with you
  • It is a great way to get to know people and share ideas

And, the negatives...

  • You MUST do it every single day without fail
  • You generally can't automate it very well. Facebook (and many of the other social networks) won't let you post content through any automated means to your profile or groups you are a member of - you can to a limited extent to your page and in groups you admin, but that is limited and has limited reach. So you must do it by hand every day several times a day.
  • If you miss even one day, especially in the beginning your reach will decrease
  • You have to be on the platform several times a day to do all the tasks listed above
  • It takes a LOT of time and effort to get your reach up to any meaningful level
  • No matter how much people tell you, you can do it in 30 minutes to an hour a day, you CAN'T. You need to be on the platform (especially in the beginning) an hour or two or three each time several times a day, so you're going to spend a BIG chunk of your day on social media to drive very little traffic
  • You can't outsource much of it because it depends on YOUR direct interaction with people
  • The number of people you will get to your list (where the real money is) is very low compared to the number of hours you will spend curating them
  • You need to respond quickly to people's comments and messages so you need to be on the platform frequently during the day (and preferably night)
  • It is NOT scalable - you are limited to the number of hours YOU can spend on the platform and how good YOU are at talking to people
  • Time is money so these leads are VERY expensive (no traffic is truly free when you consider the cost of your time)

Part III:

Hi Albie

I promote mainly on safelists and viral mailers

But I am on socials too, and I get a lot of friend requests on all my socials. And many of you promote on socials and FB groups. So if you are one of them, this email can help you establish a real connection, get real followers, and establish trust and authority. 


So let us start...


Did you face this situation on social media?


They ask to be connected on some social media where you are active.  You don't know them, but you discover that they know many of the same people like you after looking through their connections. So you can go ahead and accept the connection.


The next thing you know, you're receiving a message from them, inviting you to speak with them about purchasing whatever they're now offering for purchase.


Alternatively, they may be requesting that you hire them.


In this case, this is not a sponsored advertisement. Instead, it's nothing more than a sleazy sales pitch appearing as a personal note.


Do you have any idea what the next step I should take?


Delete the connection


People on socials are looking for friendships. 


If you want to connect with someone you don't know, only to ask them to buy or do anything for you, it doesn't strike me as particularly social.


But, if someone comes into contact with me and initiates a conversation about my business, 

what I'm working on, or

 any requirements I may have at the time...

 and then wants to inform me that they happen to be selling something that they believe would be of assistance to me with a need I have...


That, on the other hand, is a very different scenario.


Let's take this conversation offline to understand better how insane this kind of behavior is.


As you're walking down the street, you notice a woman in a business suit who you don't recognize come out of a building on your left. You walk up to her and say, "Hey, I've got this brand-new software that I believe will be beneficial to your company... Do you want to buy it?"


In your opinion, what would be your success rate if you tried that approach?


So what your approach on social media should be:


1) You can comment on someone's post to express your appreciation for what you learned from them or how much you loved their point of view—congratulating them on a recent award or other achievements. 


2) Send them an article you think they would find valuable or interesting.


3) Get a conversation started. Engage with them on a personal level.


4) then inform them that you have a product or service that may help them. Ask them if they would be interested in receiving your newsletter, which contains material that may be of interest to them...


Whether or not you've completed a sale to them, you've built an important connection in their eyes.  Who knows who could require your product or service in the future, and because you've established a genuine relationship with them, they'll think of you first when they meet someone who wants it.


So, instead of bombarding them with undesired offers, start conversations and provide value to them. Then, take a step back and consider the big picture.


Your business is going to thrive. Furthermore, you might meet some new people.


Best wishes for continued success in your business!

Until next time

BOOKMARK this page now before you forget!
(This is a BIG report)


Step 4:
Additional Training

 The Full PLS Training:
"Take the Challenge".

Success is all based on learning

If you're NOT SUCCEEDING, it's because ultimately
you're not understanding the fundamentals (the 5 Critical Skills).
Frank (inside the Cash Now Funnel) teaches you important
parts of these skills but only the basics.

It will change everything for you!
It took us five years just to discover what these skills were
from a seven-figure mentor. You will not be disappointed if you 
focus on learning them and begin to master each of them.

It will only take you a fraction of the time it took us to learn these as
you have us here to help you! And you don't need to run around in the 
dark for years just trying to figure out what they are!

After you get the Cash Now Funnel down and understand it 
 and have followed EVERYTHING 
you can from Franks's training, then continue here in Step 2
and begin to learn the 5 Critical Skills.

PS: Please email me if you need help! :)
Click for Email Address

Skype: Albion Derbyshire
Facebook Messenger: Albion W. Derbyshire


Simply join our team in the Cash Now Funnel here and then go to 
Challenge One / Step 6 (see below)
for all 70+ pages & share codes!

Learn the Fundamentals + Everything
about the 5 Critical Skills at our Team
Training Below: 


Challenge One will teach you all the basics about PLS. ..........................

Challenge Two will teach you how to begin implementing the................
5 Critical Skills using PLS.

Challenge Three will teach you more advanced skills using the................
5 Critical Skills (in PLS).

Challenge Four will teach you tons of our advanced SECRETS using the
5 Critical Skills (in PLS).

To Your Success! 



We look forward to working with you! 


Click for Email Address 

Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska
cell: 626-379-5692

EliAlbie67@gmail.com   Albie Derbyshire  Elizabeta Kuzevska     877-521-5505     cell: 626-379-5692